
To get an insight into Nuala and Don’s work, you can read some testimonials from clients who have experienced a range of their services and wanted to share their story:

I certainly appreciated the very effective way EM4 managed the whole event, in particular emotive sequences, with a sort of tough love.
In talking to others everyone feels that the event was really worthwhile, the consensus being that in those few hours you managed to revitalise a drained and tired team. You even left us with the capacity to build on what we learned and improve our working relationships, roles and processes.
Thank you again.Best regards

— Colin McNeill – Chairman Identity Exploration Ltd, Learning=for=living bespoke

Nuala is absolutely wonderful instructing feft !!!
I was very, very lucky to have had two sessions with her last year and I found
– Nuala very clear and at the same time very understanding, sensitive and loving
– the tapping easy to do and the instructions clear and easy to follow
– Nuala has a great sense of where to go next and what could I need on the way
– the method is good, but:
– Nuala makes it even better – I can imagine I would have found it difficult with somebody else
– I could trust her entirely, I felt absolutely safe, I felt my personal matters were in very good hands
– Nuala’s attention was 100% with me, when I was faltering, she gave me all the time I needed, she created this big space for me
– I found individual steps and certain methods or findings very pragmatic and am still referring to them
– I liked working on just one subject matter and repeatedly going back to it, until it was really “done”.
the only bad thing is: I don’t want to do tapping with anybody else now :))

Dear Nuala, many thanks still and I wish for you that your path with tapping is going to be a wide and copius one
I truly feel that you have found “your thing” here

best of luck for the Webinar
I would gladly attend as well :))

— Beate MUeller – By Skype, Fastereft

Following a string of unsuccessful interviews for jobs I knew I was well capable of, I asked Nuala for help with my interview technique. The difference this made to my approach to interviews was immense. Nuala helped me to recognise important skills and personal qualities that I was failing to draw to the attention of my interviewers, and also showed me how best to organise my thoughts logically so that I could respond effectively to any given question. She also sent me away with practical tasks that helped me to prepare for my next interview in a very structured and focused way. As a result, I approached the next interview with far greater confidence than I had been experiencing. Even during the interview, I was heartened be my ability to recognise the implications of the questions I was being asked and to construct appropriately sequenced answers that demonstrated that I had the knowledge and attributes the interview panel were seeking. Not only did I get the job but the company commented on the high quality of my interview performance. I cannot thank Nuala enough for the skillful way in which she helped me to turn my interview technique. Her assistance was more than worth every penny!

— Sean

What Nuala White does with exceptional precision, passion & purpose is ask the tough questions, the ones you may have been avoiding! This causes you to take a hard look at what is in front of you, how you present yourself and how effective you are at achieving what you want. Nuala White helps you consider perceived failures and use them for positive growth. For me she was able to show me how the ‘written me’ on my CV did not match the ‘written me of my writing’ or the ‘physical me’ standing in front of her. She asked me questions and gave plenty to consider than enabled and empowered me to make the necessary changes to succeed and thrive. Without doubt I not only recommend Nuala White, I HIGHLY recommend her. Her expertise and empathetic and compassionate use of her skills allowed me to open up a new world of possibilities.
Salt & Sparkle

— Nicky Cahill, Coaching Executive

As a newcomer to the notion of tapping, I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect, but it’s been a
fantastic help thus far. I was glad that the process was able to access memories/feelings to do its
job, without ever once making me feel under pressure or uncomfortable. However, whilst I know
keeping a flow is necessary, a few more occasional breaks would help, as I began to be distracted
from mental images by silly stuff like dryness of mouth and such. Another positive of the session I
would say, would be the teaching of what was being done as the session progressed, allowing the
client to practice themselves when necessary, namely the hand-tap method.
All-in-all, so far, totally successful, and very glad I participated.

— Liam, Fastereft

I would say that by studying the Alexander Technique I can expect to feel wonderful, better than ever before in my life. I only wish I had had that salutory fall seventy years ago.

— Vera

Last night I mentioned I had had a moderate to severe headache all day, and you offered to ‘tap’ on it.
Reluctantly I agreed, being tired and ready to take a (rare) paracetamol. Just tapping along in itself was quite painful, so I went half-heartedly at it. Quite soon to my surprise the pain reduced considerably, but did not go away. I was then asked to try to bring it back as strong as I could. Sure enough back it came with a vengeance, up to 8 out of 10. Not feeling at all good I worked on with Nuala, and within a couple of minutes I was freed, and able to get to sleep with no problem, waking up still completely clear.


— fastereft